This is the official Stone Horse Reference Site, in operation since 2001. It is not affiliated with Stone Horses, but the work of an independent person collecting data from around the world!
Regarding prices or values, due to the the extreme fluctuation in pricing over the years, I have decided to capture only the original price, or value. In most cases, only the matte finish value is posted. If a run consisted of both matte and glossy, the model would be around $25 higher for the glossy finish. I understand some models sell for higher than they originally were, while other models sell for considerably less. If there is no price associated with a model, it is because I don't have the original price information. There are just too many auction and sales places to accurately depict a value of a certain model. And with over 31,000 models in this database, it is impossible to know what each individual model is worth!
Image Policy: Photos are always welcome! Please try to take photos of models in well lit areas, that are in focus, and show the different sides and variations of your model. If you submit a photo to this site, please be aware that at times permission will be granted to individuals who want to use site photos for their own purposes (Ebay auctions, etc.). It is the policy of to allow others to use these pictures with permission only, but if you would like acknowledgement for your photo, I would urge you to add copyright text to the photo before submission.
StoneHorseRef is not responsible for misleading or false information provided by collectors. The data contained in this website is available to aid in the research of Peter Stone Models. For more information regarding the advertising or details of a particular model, please contact Stone Horses directly.
Please check out my Facebook group: 'Breyer and Stone Horse Reference Sites' for more frequent updates.
Thank you,
Barb Bacon